How Libraries Can Help Seniors

How Libraries Can Help Seniors

For many seniors, health declines as they get older. For people with dementia, this decline is generally seen in progressive cognitive impairment. However, as reading is exercise for the brain, it can help keep the brain fit. Although the benefits of reading haven’t been widely studied, research shows how it can improve senior health.

The Top Benefits of Reading for People With Dementia

For many seniors, health declines as they get older. For people with dementia, this decline is generally seen in progressive cognitive impairment. However, as reading is exercise for the brain, it can help keep the brain fit. Although the benefits of reading haven’t been widely studied, research shows how it can improve senior health. 

Decrease in Dementia Symptoms

Numerous studies available show that reading can delay the onset of dementia. A 2013 study found that people who read have a slower rate of cognitive decline, and a larger study from 2018 found a significantly lower risk of dementia among people who report daily intellectual activities, such as reading books. 

There are also reports that reading can decrease symptoms among people already diagnosed with dementia, although these tend to be more anecdotal. One Australian researcher observed that reading groups helped improve the mood of people with dementia and decrease agitation and isolation. Some experts also believe that reading every day helps preserve memory and language. This can help slow the progress of dementia. 

Reduced Stress

For many older adults, stress increases the severity of dementia symptoms. Thankfully, reading a good book can reduce stress. Although no studies focus primarily on seniors, the research that has been conducted shows benefits to people of all ages. A 2009 study found that just 30 minutes of reading reduces stress as effectively as yoga. A similar study from the University of Sussex found that a person’s heart rate and stress levels decrease by 68% after just six minutes of reading. 

Building Positive Relationships

Reading in groups, such as in book clubs, can build social connections. Discussing books can help people with dementia maintain analytical and verbal skills; this activity also provides the opportunity to talk about any feelings brought up by recent reads. This can be especially useful if seniors are reading about the experiences of other people with dementia. 

Reading also increases empathy. This lets people understand other people's feelings and is essential to building relationships. Seniors who read books that concentrate on characters' inner feelings may find it easier to stay connected to their family and caregivers. 

Increased Longevity

A study into the reading patterns of 3,600 older adults suggests that reading increases overall health. The long-term research found that the risk of mortality decreased by 20% in people who read books compared to those who don’t. However, the study only saw benefits in book readers; reading magazines or newspapers didn’t provide the same results.

How To Help People With Dementia Read More 

Most people with dementia retain their ability to read, especially in the early stages of the disease. However, some effects of the condition may reduce the enjoyment they get from reading, making them unlikely to pick up a book. This includes short-term memory loss and difficulty focusing. The following tips can help you encourage your loved one to continue reading. 

Read Together

Spend time reading together. This doesn’t necessarily mean reading the same material, although that’s an option. Rather, if you’re quietly focusing on reading, your loved one may also find it easier to concentrate on the reading material. 

Read Aloud

Reading aloud to people with dementia can help them focus on the story rather than struggling to concentrate on the page. It still has all the benefits of reading, such as focusing on a story and thinking about the content. In addition, it gives you the opportunity to discuss the book with your loved ones, which can enhance these positive impacts. Audiobooks may also help seniors with dementia enjoy stories.

Choose Materials Wisely

Experts suggest that the best books for people with dementia have the following elements: pictures, a clear main topic and 10 to 15 lines of text. When these elements are combined, they cause less brain strain, which equates to more reading time. 

It’s important to pick material that interests the reader. Although children’s books often meet the above criteria, the plots don’t generally capture the imagination of older adults. Thankfully, there are authors writing specifically for people with dementia, such as Emma Rose Sparrow and Hugh Morrison. The Alzheimer’s Association maintains a list of authors that your loved one may enjoy.

There are further recommendations based on how far the condition has progressed:

Mild dementia: Short novels, short stories and news articles

Moderate dementia: Short poetry

Severe dementia: Familiar materials, such as proverbs and popular poems 

Make Notes on Content

It can be frustrating to pick up a book and forget what’s happening in the plot. For seniors with short-term memory loss, this is a common problem. You can help your loved one make notes about the plot at the end of each reading session. They can then review the notes before they continue reading, allowing them to focus on enjoying the story. 

Incorporate a Social Element

Book clubs can enhance the benefits of reading by encouraging seniors to think about and discuss stories. Bibliotherapy is one type of reading group that can help seniors with dementia. It’s built around the benefits of reading aloud as a group. In this practice, a facilitator reads books about the condition or creative works to a group. In people with dementia, these stories can spark memories that encourage talking and remembering. You may wish to investigate if there’s a bibliotherapy group for people with dementia near you. 

Eliminate Distractions

It can be easier to focus without any distracting elements. Set up a quiet reading nook with comfortable seating and good lighting. Turn off the radio and television or choose soothing background music. Eliminating these distractions can help people with dementia concentrate on reading material. 

Keep Reading Material Accessible

Have suitable reading material available in your loved one’s environment. This lets them easily find something to read when the urge strikes. Suitable material can include books, newspapers and magazines. 

How To Get a Library Card

Joining a library is a good way to get free access to a wide range of books. You may worry that specialized books for people with dementia and Alzheimer’s disease won’t be available in your local library. However, many libraries have interlibrary loans available so you can access a broader range of books, including educational resources about the conditions. You can also talk to your librarian about ordering these books, as having these resources available benefits the whole community. 

If your loved one doesn’t already have a library card, you can help them become a library member. As libraries are generally run by city or county governments, the steps to sign up can be slightly different. However, it’s generally a simple process:

1. Visit the library during opening hours

2. Tell the librarian that your loved one wishes to get a library card

3. Fill in the form that the librarian gives you

4. Provide proof of your loved one's residential address via a driver’s license, utility bill or proof of age card

5. Receive their library card

The librarian can also give you information about any dementia-specific programs available at the library. 

You may also be able to sign your loved one up online. In some libraries, an online membership gives you access to digital media, such as e-books and audiobooks. In other libraries, residents with an online membership gain full access to the library’s collection. This allows seniors who don’t drive to access a wide range of materials.

Again, the steps to sign up online may differ between libraries, but are generally easy to follow: 

1. Find the website for the local library 

2. Look for the link to online signups

3. Fill in the form

4. Provide any proof of residence required

5. Receive a record of the membership number

6. Use the membership number to borrow books

If you’re looking for a wider range of books to interest your loved one, you may be able to join a library in a different city or state. Often, state libraries and libraries in big cities allow people from anywhere in the state to join. Your library may also have reciprocal borrowing privileges with other library systems, giving you access to other collections.

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